Daybreak, a thousand miles from nowhere.

I find myself awake, along the cracked asphalt of life.

Happenstance, chance, godsend; whatever you want to call it, is how I get to a place.

Birth and death are real, what happens in the middle is anybody’s guess.

Curious, at times hopeful, and often scared to death.

I don’t have the answers.

Sometimes it just is.

Photographs in rhythm, become a visual poem, a handmade book.
Together, my books express a singular and fluid narrative.
forty-four books & field guide
four presentation boxes
everyday life, america
2017 - 2024
forty-four books
10 - 12 photographs per book
24 - 28 pages
10 x 8 inches or 8 x 10 inches
pigment prints on archival paper
bound by hand using double wire
cover strathmore bristol board
signed on the colophon
four presentation boxes
11 books per box
field guide (yellow box)
designated by a color dot
reverse chronological order (yellow, green, rose & blue)
recycled anodized aluminum
scratch resistant & archival
9 x 11.5 x 2 inches
designed, printed and bound by theo anderson
signed and notated in field guide
seven unique copies, 1 a/p
additional information,